Bowie/Mitchellville (MD) Silhouettes

The Bowie/Mitchellville (MD) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. was chartered in October 2003. The Chapter Polemarch, Charles Exum, immediately granted approval to Silhouette Joan Crutchfield, a Silhouette in the Bowie/Mitchellville (BMAC) family, to organize a Silhouette Chapter. Silhouette Crutchfield contacted the other Silhouettes of the BMAC family to inquire of interest in organizing a Silhouette Chapter in support of the Bowie/Mitchellville Alumni Chapter. The response fulfilled the requirement for the establishment of a Silhouette Chapter.

On October 18, 2003, Silhouettes Anita Roberts, Gloria Miller, and Sandra Harvey met with Silhouette Joan Crutchfield to discuss the organization of a Silhouette Chapter. Silhouettes Crutiza Bryant, Andrea Jenkins, and Marlyn Hinkle expressed interest in organizing a Chapter but were unable to attend the planning meeting. These seven Sil-houettes would become the Charter Members of the Bowie/Mitchellville Silhouettes Chapter.

After installation, the first order of business was the vote to accept the Bylaws for the Chapter. The Bylaws were accepted as the official leadership document of the Chapter. On March 27, 2004, Bowie/Mitchellville (MD) Silhouettes Chapter was officially chartered by the Eastern Province Silhouettes. The Official Charter document was signed into the record at the 2005 Kappa Conclave and presented to the Bowie/Mitchellville Chapter at the 2006 Eastern Province Council meeting.

In the years following the chartering of the Chapter, the Bowie/Mitchellville (MD) Silhouettes have been committed to its Community Services projects and fundraising events, providing support to the Bowie/Mitchellville Alumni Chapter, and also allowing time for fun and fellowship. Numerous awards and recognitions for service, loyalty, and commitment to the Silhouettes have been received by members.

  • Chapter Bowie/Mitchellville
  • Year 2003
  • Location Bowie/Mitchellville, MD
  • President Joan Crutchfield
  • Contact