Silver Spring (MD) Silhouettes

The Silver Spring, (MD) Silhouettes reactivated in February 2009 at a gathering sponsored by the members of the Silver Spring Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The first major project was to plan the Eastern Province Council meeting scheduled for March 27-28, 2009. The month of collaborating and sharing ideas was a unifying experience. Our efforts were rewarded with very positive comments from the Eastern Province Silhouettes in attendance. We are proud of Victoria Davidson who was elected Eastern Province Silhouettes Financial Secretary at that meeting.

The chapter has suffered the passing of two inspirational Silhouettes, Sylvia Miller and Nancy Works in April 2012 and January 2013 respectively.

Currently, the Silver Spring (MD) Silhouettes are members of numerous organizations that actively serve their community.

  • Chapter Silver Spring
  • Year 2009
  • Location Silver Spring, MD
  • President Jean Sears
  • Contact